About Us

what makes us different

The values we live by


2023 Super Service Award winner.


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Schembri Engineers has 4.7 Stars on Home Advisor, has been Top Rated, Elite Services with 5+ years and over 20 reviews

Why Choose us

Timely Manner

We can fulfill your need to receive the inspection results rapidly and efficiently so that you can make a timely and informed decision

Fast Results

The report will be available via our website and e-mail generally within a day or two of the inspection. Of course you will receive a hard copy via U.S. Mail.

In-Depth Reports

The inspection and report will be based on all the experience, observational and communication skills of the Registered Engineer who examined your house or building.

Experienced Engineers

Schembri Engineers’ reports are written by licensed Professional Engineers – yielding the highest standard of service in the industry.

Reliable Service

Our ability to make objective comparisons of the home or building you are considering to those of similar age and construction type along with our comprehensive maintenance plan allow you to paint a true picture of the property you are considering.


We have performed more than 10,000 home and building inspections since 1985. Those clients who are looking for accountability, experience, integrity and thoroughness will wisely choose Schembri Engineers.

Meet Our Team

For all Inspection and Evaluation inquiries message Phil
For all Design and Engineering inquiries message Dave

Philip A. Schembri, PE, BIE, MTh

In 1976, Mr. Schembri received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the prestigious Rochester Institute of Technology.  He has been a registered Professional Engineer since 1981 and has a total of 31 years of broad engineering experiences ranging from an aerospace industry consultant to the project management of large industrial and commercial construction projects.  Mr. Schembri has been involved in the construction of thermal-vacuum chambers, design of utility sized power plants, set-up of a major helicopter manufacturing facility, acted as an owners representative and project manager for a large commercial facility and high end luxury homes, and has been qualified as an expert witness in numerous construction related cases in both the office of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, the Arizona Superior Court and in the United States Federal Court. 

Phil Schembrie

Dave Schembri

Dave graduated from Arizona State University in 2007 with a Bachelors of Science in Construction Management from the Del Webb School of Construction.

Dave has had numerous roles, from Project Engineer to Project Manager.

Dave has worked on very large projects consisting of installation of the structural steel at a very large chip manufacturer, development of a 40,000 SF ground up building for a nationwide retailer, to smaller projects where he oversaw over 250 tenant improvements and remodels throughout the U.S.

Since 2022, Dave has acted as Project Manager for Schembri Engineers, Inc. operating and managing its Design Division.

schembrie engineers logo

Who we are

Company Overview

Schembri Engineers began in 1985 specializing in home and building inspection and commercial real estate consulting services.

civil inspections